Financial Board of Directors
The Luso-American Financial Board of Directors shall be the supreme governing body of the Society, consistent with the By-Laws and the laws of the State of California. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to provide rules and regulations for the extension and development of the Society and shall have all other necessary and incidental powers to carry out the objectives of the Society, and such other duties as prescribed by the laws of the Society.

Manuel Vieira – President Tony Sozinho – Chair John Perdigao -Vice-Chair
Directors Maritana Guadalupe Liz Motta Dan Rocha Herminia Grosso Tina Medeiros Judy V. Mottini
Senior Vice-President Emeritus – Francisco J. Mendonca
Senior Vice-President / Secretary Emeritus – Joseph Resendes
Executive Vice President/CEO Emeritus – Manuel A. Minhoto
Vice-President/Treasurer Emeritus – Donalda De Melo