20-30’s Associates
In 1968, Luso-American Fraternal wanted to bridge the gap amongst our youth and adult members and place the most decisive hopes and trust, in young men and women from the ages of 18 to 40 years and Luso-American Fraternal Federation would call them, the “20-30 Associates”. The rules and regulations for this group state, “the purpose of the ’20-30 Associates’ is to unite a body of people in the intermediate age of the membership in the Society with a common interest in promoting the cultural heritage, aims and purposes of the Luso-American Fraternal Federation as an auxiliary to the Society.
As an organization, the “20-30 Associates” are divided into “Regions” within the State of California, each promoting social, civic and fraternal programs for the general welfare and enjoyment of its members, who have their own regional officers and committees, and for the welfare of the LUSO-Family and of the community.
This type of assigned authority raises funds for deserving causes like educational and civic projects; it promotes regional interest and participation; it stimulates the members to take an active part in the activities in the region; it assists the young in promoting development and leadership, giving as well incentive for personal initiative and citizenship; it designs and implements projects to meet the social needs of each region; and unites, supervises and reports the accomplishments of each Region.
At the Annual Convention, the 20-30’s Associates elect their President and officers, and during the year participate in the receptions and events honoring the Fraternal President, Youth President and their own 20-30’s President.
20-30’s Associates Line Officers
Nicholas Vieira
Region 1-14 Silicon Valley
Grant Silva
Vice President
Region 1-14 Silicon Valley
Sydney Da Silva
Region 6 Modesto
Justin Do Canto
Region 7 Sacramento
JD Valadao
Master of Ceremonies
Region 8 Tulare
Annalicia Adao
Region 2 Bay Area
Laura Brasil
Region 6 Mateca
Elisabeth Vieira Noguera
Immediate Past President
Region 7 Sacramento
Youth Administration
One of the concerns of the Luso-American Fraternal is to keep the young members interested in its aims and purposes and to prepare them for future leadership responsibilities. To ensure this important goal, in 1955 a youth department with its own administration was created allowing the youth to establish their own youth councils and develop programs and supervise activities designed to give them the opportunity to learn the culture, traditions of their Portuguese ancestors and enhance their knowledge of fraternalism, parliamentary procedure and importance of civic involvement in their communities.
Every year the youth councils sponsor a queen contest to help fund college scholarships for fellow youth members, and as part of their contribution to the Annual Convention, present a program, in which they perform either in a dance category or in the musical variety category.
At the Annual Convention, the youth elect their President and officers, and during the year participate in receptions and events honoring the Fraternal President and their own Youth President.
Xavier Gaspar
Youth President
YC #24 – Northern San Joaquin Valley
Delaney Da Silva
Youth Vice-President
YC #4 – Sacramento
Daniela Mendes
Youth Secretary
YC #1 – Fremont-Union City
Lanette Couto
Youth Treasurer
YC #1 – Fremont-Union City
Austin Coelho
Youth Master of Ceremonies
YC #13 – Artesia
Mia Fernandes
Youth Inside Guard
YC #8-Manteca
Layla Brasil
Youth Outside Guard
YC #2-San Jose
Taylor Crawford
Youth Marshal
YC #2 – San Jose
Makayla Sousa
Youth Trustee
YC #8-Manteca
Julia Van-Scyoc
Youth Trustee
YC #10-Tipton Tulare
Morgan Gilbert
Youth Trustee
YC #13-Artesia
Cameron Serrado
Youth Trustee
YC #24-North San Jaoquin Valley
Grace Silva
Immediate Youth Past President
YC #24 – Northern San Joaquin Valley