Fraternalism, Family Values, A World of Culture, Traditions, and Financial Security

Your involvement with Luso-American Fraternal can be within our Adults, 20-30’s or Youth branches either at the local, state or national level.


Fraternalism since 1868!

Luso-American Fraternal is the Fraternal division of Luso-American Financial. Luso-American Fraternal covers Portuguese Communities through our Adult, 20-30’s and Youth Councils/Lodges throughout California, Connecticut, Idaho, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia and Rhode Island.

In today’s society, particularly in communities like ours, the past provides lessons and inspiration, mainly those of experience, the present reaps the fruits of one’s labor, but it is the future that bridges success. The last 150 years of our Society are an eloquent sample, and one that all our members are very proud of how successfully these thoughts and assertions are put into practice and ceaselessly carried forward.

Our members involvement can start at the local council/lodge level, where our members work together to continue the promotion of Portuguese culture, through various philanthropic efforts. Our Society prides itself on our Youth, who are the future leaders!

What is a Fraternal Benefit Society?

Fraternal Benefit Societies or “Fraternals” are not for profit membership organizations that have a representative form of government and are organized through a lodge system to carry out social, intellectual, educational, charitable, benevolent, moral, fraternal, patriotic or religious purposes. Fraternals provide members with life insurance and other financial protection benefits in accordance with state law and use the earnings to fund member-supported community activities. Fraternals are chartered by state law and have been exempt from income tax under Section 501(c)(8) of the U.S. Tax Code since 1909.