Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization (ACCOUNT CHANGE) Download Blank PDF Bank Name *Routing NumberAccount Number *Mode of Payment (Select One Only)MonthlyOnQuarterlyOnSemiAnnualOnAnnuallyOnDate of Withdrawal (Select One Only)7thOn14thOn21stOn30thOn Authorization statement:By signing this Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization form, you are agreeing to the following:• I authorize the Luso-American Financial and my banking institution listed above to have my account debited for premiumpayments on my policy.• In the unlikely event that funds to which I am not entitled to are deposited into my account, I authorize Luso-AmericanFinancial to direct the bank to return said funds Luso-American Financial.• I understand that my transaction may not be credited to my account until midnight on the date of the transaction orfollowing business day.Policyholder Printed Name *PolicyPolicyholder Signature: *DatePrint Filled PDF